FDF 2018 Begins in San Francisco, CA 

Today, one of the largest and most inspiring Greek events around the world begins in San Francisco, California – the Greek Orthodox Folk Dance & Choral Festival, and it lasts thru Sunday.

There are hundreds of children, young adults and adults making up 98 Greek dance groups and 9 choral groups. Lots of volunteers, stressed out directors, tired parents and the most amazing judges come together and put on an amazing weekend.

Follow them on Facebook or visit their web site for live streams of the most amazing choreographed Greek Dancing suites from various regions of Greece!


Good luck to EVERYONE!

Thanasi Papoulias

Thanasi Papoulias is the Founder of "Excuse Me, Are You Greek?". His passion for Greece and everything Greek inspired him to start this blog and the popular social media accounts.

Thanasi Papoulias has 423 posts and counting. See all posts by Thanasi Papoulias

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